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Dress Code

East Central High School
Updated July 2024

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All clothing items must be school appropriate and are at Administrative Discretion  In accordance with TPS district policy, all students attending school must follow the building dress code policy. Students are highly encouraged and welcome to wear school spirit are daily.  At East Central,  students must  wear:

Student IDs:

  • Students are to have their ID with them and on them at all times
  • Students who do not have their IDs with them will need to obtain a temporary ID from the TRAICE room  
  • Replacement IDs are $2 and can be purchased in the TRAICE (detention room). 
  • Students may not carry another student’s ID.


  • Shirts - School appropriate collared (polo, oxford, button-down) or non-collared  shirts in black, navy, white, gray, or red.
  • Appropriate Pants - Black, khaki, jeans, skirts, or shorts.
  • School appropriate hoodies.
  • Students may wear hoodies in the building as long as the hood is down in the  back and  never worn on the head while in the hallways  and or during passing  period  . For school safety and security we must be  able to clearly identify  students on camera. Students who wear hoods in the building may be  approached as an intruder on campus unable to be clearly identified. 

Prohibited Apparel:

All prohibited apparel has a zero tolerance policy

  • Any clothing with graphics or logos that are not school appropriate
  • Any accessories or items with drug/alcohol references, gang insignia, references  to weapons/violence, etc. This includes belts with bullet casings as décor.
  • Chain wallets or Chain watches
  • Spaghetti strap tank tops, bandeau top, tube tops, sports bras, sleeveless  undershirts
  • Sagging pants
  • No pajama pants 
  • No hair bonnets or hats 
  • No house slippers

Dress Code Interventions:

Students who are not in compliance with the above policies:

Correctable Dress Code Violation – Students will be given the opportunity  to correct their dress code violation immediately, students will be given support to make necessary adjustments to their dress.  Accumulation of refusal to correct these violations can result in disciplinary interventions.

Non-Correctable Dress Code Violation – When a student is not able to immediately correct their dress code, an administrator will document the dress code violation. The student will report to the TRAICE room(detention room) until the student can correct the dress code issue (by calling someone to bring them appropriate attire). Students in TRAICE for dress code are expected to follow all TRAICE room (detention room) regulations and procedures.

For ongoing non-compliance in regard to dress code, students will receive behavioral support as outlined in our building policy. 

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ECHS is a backpack/bag free campus. This policy is designed to provide additional safety for students, staff, visitors, and all building occupants. The policy is supported by the district.

Students entering the building will not be allowed to carry backpacks, bags, hip/fanny packs, sling bags, drawstring bags, and/or bookbags. Administration will be the final determinator if a bag meets the criteria the school has set in place. Chromebooks will be in classrooms for student use versus checking out to individual students. Students needing personal hygiene items may carry those items on their person. Any student without personal hygiene items may obtain them confidentially from the area outside Ms. Williams office, room E102. Athletes may make arrangements with coaches regarding personal athletic equipment.